select.txt +--- select - manage several sockets (or files) at once - in a single thread like socket, select API is from Unix + C ca 1980 now similar in most OS and languages Socket accept, send, recv are blocking operations program stops and waits for awaited event to occur other events are ignored while program is waiting How can we handle several sockets? would like to recv from whichever socket as data select can wait for several sockets (and/or files) at once recall the keyboard is also a "file" - sys.stdin +-- select - how it works server = socket. ... ... input = [server,sys.stdin] # list of sockets and file-like objects ... while running: inputready,outputready,exceptready =,[],[],timeout) Args are lists of sockets (files) where we are waiting for input, output, and exception Waits for *all* at once. Returns when awaited input (etc) appears on *any* Returns lists of sockets (etc.) where input (etc) actually is ready Optional timeout arg, returns when timer expires - periodic heartbeat (see +-- Select - limitations Doesn't scale to thousands of connections - "c10k" Alternatives: epoll, kqueue, asyncore, gevent, twisted, greenlets, ...