Web pages about the NModel model-based testing tools. These pages were made by Jonathan Jacky in 2007 - 2009. They are archived here for personal and historic interest. The original NModel web site, including these pages but also all the NModel source code, was hosted at CodePlex, which was operated by Microsoft. Microsoft shut down CodePlex in 2015, and CodePlex users were encouraged to migrate their sites to Github. I did not migrate the site at that time, but I did get a zip file of the site contents. Only now (Oct 2022) am I restoring the NModel web pages only, to this repository. These pages, which I wrote, document NModel. These web pages were extracted from the zip archive; they are strangely formatted. They had been renamed and all the links mangled. I renamed the files back to their original names, and fixed the links in index.html and presentations.html only. All the web pages in this repository are reachable through these two web pages. There are also many cross reference links in the other web pages. Those links are all broken, and will not be fixed. I do not include the NModel source code files here -- I did not write most of them. The NModel source code files are in another Github repository: https://github.com/juhan/NModel That repository does not include my web pages. The license.json in this repository is extracted from the zipped archive from the Codeplex site; it too has strange formatting. This is a web site, so the content is in the gh-pages branch. Oct 2022