MRFM Cantilever Control using FPGA

Jon Jacky, University of Washington, Quantum System Engineering (QSE) Laboratory. Revised Mar 2009, add link to RSI page.

This page provides files and directions for assembling and using an FPGA-based cantilever controller for Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy (MRFM), using the commercially available USRP hardware and the open-source GNU Radio software, along with some additional software that we have written. In addition to the controller itself, we also provide software here to demonstrate how the controller can be integrated into an experiment.

A paper about this controller appeared in Review of Scientific Instruments. The preprint is available at the arXiv server.

Introduction Hardware Software Prerequisites Download Installation Demonstration License Acknowledgments


Cantilevers for MRFM are micromechanical oscillators that require feedback control. The controller damps the cantilever, resulting in smaller deflections, faster ringdown, and wider bandwidth than an uncontrolled cantilever. This is necessary for acquiring an image during an MRFM experiment. In the apparatus shown here, the cantilever controller would be connected between RX and TX in the lower right corner (RX is the controller input).

Cantilever controller design is discussed here, here, and here. An MRFM experiment is described here. A brief explanation of MRFM appears here.

The controller we provide here accommodates input and output signals up to 2 volts peak-to-peak (-1V to +1v), digitized with a resolution of 12 bits (input) and 14 bits (output), sampled at up to 64 MHz. The demonstration provided here samples at 500 kHz, chosen for acoustic cantilevers with resonant frequencies near 8 kHz. The controller includes an IIR digital filter comprising two cascaded second-order sections ("biquads"), which can implement transfer functions with up to 4 numerator and 4 denominator coefficients. The signal and the filter coefficients are represented by 24-bit integers (our software translates floating point to appropriately scaled 24-bit integers).

In addition to the filter, the controller also includes an input multiplexer and adder that selects and optionally adds two input signals in all combinations. This is helpful for some calibration protocols.

The controller characteristics (filter coefficients, multiplexer settings etc.) can be set and continually adjusted from experiment control software.


This photo shows a typical collection of equipment that can demonstrate the controller, an example of the block labeled "on lab bench" in the diagram above (on the right). The two essential components are the USRP (lower left) and the computer (lower right). The test equipment behind the USRP and computer is optional.

The USRP is the GNU Radio hardware component, which includes the FPGA and the data converters (ADCs and DACs). The cantilever signals connect to the terminals on the USRP front panel. The controller program (filter and multiplexer) executes on the FPGA in the USRP. Technical information about the USRP is available here and here. A USRP motherboard with daughterboards is shown here.

This photo shows our USRP in a homemade enclosure. The commercially available USRP package now includes a case so it is no longer necessary to make one.

The computer, called the host computer, is connected to the USRP by the USB 2.0 bus. The host computer stores the controller program that runs on the FPGA. Before an experiment, the host computer is commanded to load the controller program into the FPGA. During an experiment, the host computer executes experiment control software that can continually adjust controller parameters and acquire the measured signals.

This photo shows a Macintosh but almost any computer with a USB 2.0 port should work.


The controller itself (the mulitplexor and digital filter) executes on the FPGA in the USRP. It is written in the Verilog hardware description language (HDL). The several Verilog source files are compiled or synthesized into a single binary file called a bitstream which is stored on the host computer and loaded into the FPGA on command. The host computer can store several bitstreams that provide different controller capabilities and load them into the FPGA under program control.

We provide both the compiled bitstream and the Verilog source files and for our controller. The controller also uses Verilog files from the open-source GNU Radio project. Only the bitstream is needed to run the controller. The Verilog files will be useful if you wish to customize the controller or develop your own.

The experiment control software including calibration protocols, data acquisition and storage, calculation of desired controller characteristics, etc., executes on the host computer.

The host software is organized as a client and server. The client comprises most of the experiment control, while the server is a small component that copes with the details of the controller and its interface. For example, the client calculates the desired transfer function of the controller, expressed as floating point coefficients for an IIR digital filter. The server refactors these coefficients for cascaded second-order sections ("biquads"), translates them to scaled 24-bit integers, and loads them into particular registers in the controller using the USB 2.0 interface. The client software does not depend on controller details such as filter architecture, hardware organization, number representation, and connection technology. Thanks to this organization, our experiment control software is largely unchanged from earlier versions that used completely different controller technology based on a digital signal processor (DSP).

Client and server communicate by sending text messages over a TCP/IP socket connection. They can execute on the same computer or different computers (we have used both configurations).

The server also performs data acquisition, acquiring the stream of digitized samples from the FPGA at two points in the signal path, at the input and output of the digital filter. The server can optionally display these data as a spectrum or as a time series on an oscilloscope-like display, as shown in the photo above and the screen shot below.

We provide the complete server software. It is written in Python and uses the open-source GNU Radio system and the open-source SciPy scientific computing package.

We provide a simple client for demonstrations and diagnostics. It is also written in Python, and also depends on SciPy (but not GNU Radio).

We also provide a very simple client extracted from our MRFM experiment control software. It is written in LabView, and is sufficient to demonstrate communication with the server. This client is a LabView virtual instrument (VI) which could be incorporated into a different experiment. The LabView client does not depend on GNU Radio nor SciPy.


Additional information about our GNU Radio and SciPy installations on the Mac appear here.


This gr-mrfm repository contains several subdirectories:

The repository contents are listed here.


The following instructions are for Unix-like systems, including Mac OS X. Some adjustments may be necessary on your system, especially to accommodate your GNU Radio installation.

  1. Clone the gr-mrfm repository. It is convenient to clone the repository in your home directory.

  2. Prepare to invoke the commands. It is convenient to put the gr-mrfm/bin directory in your path, or copy its contents to a directory already in your path, such as ~/bin.

  3. Check that the paths in the command scripts (in the bin directory) will work with your installation. Change them if needed.

    The gr-defs script defines PYTHONPATH with the path to the Python files in your GNU Radio installation. If you already arranged to define PYTHONPATH when you installed GNU Radio, you may not need gr-defs.

    The cserver-restart script defines CSERVER_DIR, the path to the Python directory for our MRFM software. If you did not clone the repository under your home directory, you must change this definition.

  4. If you are using a Macintosh, in the python directory rename cserver-cmd.mac to cserver-cmd.

  5. Copy the bitstream mrfm.rbf to a directory in your GNU Radio installation where the USRP can find it. Typically, this would be gr/share/usrp/rev4, along with the other .rbf files.


To load the controller into the FGPA:

  1. Connect the USRP to one of the host computer's USB 2.0 ports.

  2. Invoke gr-defs, if that is needed to make the GNU Radio software available in this session. Alternatively, when you installed GNU Radio you may have arranged to make it available in every session.

  3. Invoke cserver-restart to start the server. This in turn invokes cserver-cmd in the python directory, which finally invokes the server program with particular command line options, including port number 6340. The server writes a few lines of messages to the terminal window and waits for a client to connect to that port.

  4. Start the Python client program, specifying the server's port:   python 6340

  5. At the cclient prompt, type m 1 0. This sends a message to the server containing multiplexer settings. The server commands the controller to connect the signal at the USRP LFRX A input. The server should write messages indicating that the message was received. (When the server begins running, it commands both controller multiplexer switches to open, so no input signal reaches the filter.)

  6. At the cclient prompt, type p params_8khz.h This sends a message to the server containing the contents of the named file. The server reads the filter coefficients in the message, refactors and translates them, and loads them into the controller. The message contents (and the file) specify a transfer function appropriate for an MRFM cantilever with a resonant frequency near 8 kHz. (When the server begins running, it commands the controller to load a unity gain filter, so the controller output is the same as the input from the multiplexer.)

  7. To optionally demonstrate the LabView client, open Each time you click Run Once on its front panel, this VI sends a message with the same contents as params_8khz.h. (You can run cclient and the LabView client at the same time, because both clients open and close the socket connection each time they send a message.)

To measure the controller transfer function, connect a signal generator to the LFRX input and an oscilloscope to the LFTX output, as shown in the photo above. The transfer function measured when the controller is loaded with the contents of params_8khz.h appears here. The effect of this controller can be seen by applying noise to the LFRX input and viewing the filter input and output on the server's oscilloscope-like display, as shown in this screen shot:

There are several variants of cserver-cmd in the python directory, that invoke the server with different command-line options:

cserver-cmd.mac For Macintosh, use pythonw not python   Run without oscilloscope display, to reduce load on host computer Run without USRP hardware, to demonstrate or debug client/server communication

The many command-line options for the server are described here. The options for the Python client are described here.

Provenance and licensing

The software provided here is based on the MRFM project included in the GNU Radio distribution here.

The files from this site (at the University of Washington) are not included in the GNU Radio distribution. (Files with the same name have different contents). However, the licensing terms are the same: the GNU General Public License. See the headers in the source files in the software itself.


This work was done with Joseph Garbini, John Sidles, Joseph Malcomb, and Matt Ettus. This work was supported by the Army Research Office (ARO) Multi-University Research Initiative (MURI) W911NF-05-1-0403.

Jon Jacky, email: jon at u dot washington dot edu