This is my page at The Evergreen State College. I also have a page at the University of Washington.
In the Fall 2000 -- Spring 2001 academic year I taught Foundations of Computing in the Part-Time Studies program.
In Fall quarter 2001 I will teach Data Structures and Algorithms.
In Spring 2000 I taught Concepts of Computing.
I am rarely on the Evergreen campus, except when I am teaching a class, so it's no use trying to reach me at my on-campus office or telephone. Instead, send me email (address below). I try to check email most weekdays.
Here are announcements about my current class.
These updates may be interesting to people who have taken my classes.
Here are links to some interesting web sites that are not directly related to my classes.
Last revised July 5, 2001. Use your browser's Reload or Refresh button to get the latest version.
Jon Jacky,